[Closed] Walls I Cannot Climb

A good sort of day.

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Desiderio Morandi
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: The Steadfast Tin Inspector
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Writer: Graf
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Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:10 pm

above the good pan, old rose harbor
morning on the 29th of roalis, 2720
hey were coming along wonderfully – they had drawn his eye immediately. She had told him she was going to grow them before he had left; a gift for a friend, he recalled, a very kind woman – one of the Viendan ladies, no doubt, though he could not quite remember who. They were lovely, at any rate: he had never seen them in such a brilliant orange, only red and yellow and pink.

The rest of the garden was as lovely as usual, of course. He had come there first to look for her, but also because he had wanted to see it.

He was still in his traveling-clothes, still smelling of dust, as he took long strides down corridors covered in snaking vines and blooms.

He could hear a dog barking somewhere, and claws skittering on carpet and marble. He could imagine the scratches against the floor; they would have to train him out of it, but he was proving particularly difficult. Francesca and Petronilla and even Tanqueray were much more well-behaved. He was certainly good with the children; she had been right about that.

Gracious Hurte, where was she?

Past his studio, smelling of linseed oil and canvas; those smells were altogether too familiar after months in Tiv, painting Giardiniere Crocetti and his daughters. He would paint later – he had several commissions waiting in Vienda – but now, he only wanted to see her, and she was not there.

All his muscles ached, and his head the most. Where were the children? He could hear his steel-toed boots loud on the floor; perhaps he should not have worn them. Perhaps he had frightened the children off.

Aha, he muttered. He was on the South Stairwell, now, and finding his way down.

Mr. Steerpike! said one of the maids, passing him on the stair, then lowered her head and bowed. In the corner of his eye, he saw a swirl of red hair.

He was already at the bottom of the banister and launching himself down the hall.

My love, he called as he passed an open door, his brow furrowed. The kitchens were a whirl of steam and indistinct shapes; he was not altogether sure why he was down here, only that he thought he might find her here.

From months ago, as if it had only been yesterday, he remembered the touch of her hand. He remembered taking his leave of her and going to bed – good night, Des – why had they slept separately that night? He could not recall – he felt a spur of panic, of a sudden. Had she been upset?

He would make it better, he thought desperately. He wanted so very badly to catch her hand up in his and kiss it once more, brushing his lips over the winding shapes of scars (scars?).

Cara mia, he called, a little breathless, squinting in the dark. It was very dark; he could scarce tell whether his eyes were open or not. Primo amore mio –

He jolted awake, letting out a sound somewhere between a snarl and a gasp, his fist knotted in his pillow.

There was sunlight streaming into the small room. How late was it? He had overslept, he realized. Inspector Morandi did not ever oversleep. All of his muscles were wound tightly; his legs, and particularly his thighs, ached. He felt as if his eyes had been glued together, and had come apart only at a great effort.

He had shoved himself up on one arm, his heart in his throat, tangled dark hair in his face. Where was his baton? His uniform? There was about his shoulders a loose human shirt, a size or half a size too large. Elwes’, he realized, that he had asked for the night before.

There was in the room with him a shape. His eyes came into focus.

“Ah –” He cleared his throat, forcing himself to relax; his field had flexed and gone taut, and now was settling as he caught his breath. His glasses were on the side table; he did not reach for them just yet. “Forgive me,” he said, forgetting himself and running a hand through his hair, frowning deeply. “I do not make a habit of – sleeping in – I am. Hmm.”


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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:52 pm

Roalis 29, 2720 - Morning
Above the Good Pan Bakery
It was strange to wake at her usual time (before dawn, always before dawn), only to realize that she had no reason to do so. Her dreams had been strange, formless things she could not grasp on waking. The sun hadn't yet risen in the sky, but she could hear the sounds of the city coming to life outside of her window. For a moment, it was everything of the past few days that seemed the dream. That was, until she felt Shadow's wet tongue against her face; dreams did not usually smell so strongly.

"Good morning, handsome," she half-whispered, turning on her side to ruffle the fur at his neck. She wasn't sure what time it was, or who else was yet up. The idea of going out into the main room while Desiderio was still asleep on the couch... Left to her own devices, Aurelie might well have stayed in her room until she was absolutely certain he wasn't asleep any longer.

Unfortunately, Shadow had needs that didn't give her the luxury. Aurelie got out of bed slowly, testing her ankle by rotating it slightly before setting her feet on the floor. It hurt, but less than it had. That was rather encouraging, in her own inexpert opinion. She still tried to dress while putting as little weight on it as she could—a challenge when moving around Shadow's bulk. She managed in the end.

Cass was awake, but Desiderio was, to her surprise, still asleep on the sofa when she exited her room. He had changed clothes after she went to bed, Aurelie realized; he was wearing a distinctly human shirt. She wondered where it came from, looking at what she could see from underneath the blanket Cass had provided. Shadow gave a small, impatient yip at her side. Chimes, she had been staring! She looked away hastily, resolving not to look again until he was awake.

All the same, she did try to go about her morning quietly. Shadows needs were tended to, and then her own. Tea, first. Breakfast, she thought, would wait until Desiderio was awake. Aurelie found she could get around the little flat fairly well without putting further stress on her ankle with a moderate amount of creative thinking. That was a pleasant surprise, and important, too—Cass had the bakery to see to, and Desiderio was still asleep.

That surprised her. Aurelie had, somehow, pictured Desiderio as an early riser. Not perhaps as early as she tended to, but still—early enough. The minutes ticked by and became hours, the sun rising fully over the city. Her surprise turned to worry as the morning went on—suppose something was wrong, more wrong than they knew? The last two days had been such a blur, had something escaped her attention? She chewed on a nail, breaking her resolve not to look at him. He didn't look... Perhaps she should go over there after all.

Aurelie approached the sofa, frowning. Even in sleep, Desiderio looked tense—an unpleasant dream? She stopped a few steps away and knelt down, putting herself more at eye level with his face. He was frowning; she had the strangest urge to reach out and smooth his brow with her hands.

Perhaps she ought to wake him? If the dream was so unpleasant. Aurelie picked her hand up, then stopped. There were many people who... who, when woken out of such a state, lashed out at the person who woke them. She would hate for him to be upset about something he did while asleep, if Desiderio was such a person. Aurelie had a feeling he would be—both the type, and upset by it. She watched him instead, nervous.

(His hair was scattered all over the pillow; it was so much longer than she was used to seeing. More than was fashionable, to be sure. The morning sunlight picked out highlights in it here and there, and touched on all the strong angles of his face.)

Just as she resolved to stand and move away, he stirred and woke suddenly and violently. Aurelie, from where she had knelt on the floor, tensed. The air warmed with the agitation of his field. She rather found she couldn't say anything as he shoved himself upon onto one arm, hair in his face, looking for all the world as if he did not know where he was. It was a strange, vulnerable sort of sight; she felt a little guilty for having witnessed it without his permission.

After a moment, she thought he must have woken up more fully. He cleared his throat, and the heat went out of the air, taking some of Aurelie's tension with it. Now there was only the embarrassment of realizing he had caught her looking at him. Concern or not, she should not have... Bells and chimes. At least he was dressed.

"Good morning," she offered, with only a trace of a nervous stammer. "I was, er. Just, ah. Considering if I ought to... to wake you. Uhm, because you seemed..." Aurelie trailed off, not sure how she could end that sentence in a way that did not make her seem as if she had been watching him sleep. Which she had been, but only for a moment.

"You don't have to get up, if you don't want to. I'm sure you're tired," she added with a frown. She hadn't yet moved from her kneeling position on the floor. Aurelie thought she ought to, but this was such a different picture from the crisp, unrumpled man who had been sitting at the table the night before—Aurelie found she couldn't quite bring herself to look away.
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Desiderio Morandi
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: The Steadfast Tin Inspector
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Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:53 pm

above the good pan, old rose harbor
morning on the 29th of roalis, 2720
ood morning, she offered, uncertain.

“Good morning,” he replied, clearing his throat again. Her face had been rather close; he could not make sense of it, until he realized that now he was squinting down at her. He was again struck by the queer emptiness in the air, with the perceptive mona settling all around them. He almost reached out for a caprise; he was grateful he had the presence of mind to stay himself.

Some of his dream leaked back into his head.

His eyes were wide for a few more moments. Had she come over because he had been –

He swallowed tightly, unable to tell. His tongue felt stiff in his mouth, and he was not ordinarily a sleeptalker, but–? The shape of the words seemed so close to the tip of his tongue. What on Vita was wrong with him? The realization was slowly sinking into him. His lips tingled very strangely; so did his palms. So did the rest of him, which felt rather vulnerable without the comfortable shell of his uniform.

When he had first woken up, her green eyes had been very wide indeed. She had been tense in the midst of his field.

Seemed? “Gracious – Hurte,” he grunted, sitting up a little more, peering down at her. He cleared his throat again, glancing away – but he could not quite help himself. His eyes moved back to her face, lingering there suspiciously, his brow knit.

Surely not. He did not talk in his sleep.

His head was rather spinning. Perhaps it was because – He reached up and touched his upper lip, expecting to feel blood. It was dry.

If not as smooth as he preferred. He frowned a little more deeply. He would have to go down and freshen up. To have Aurelie come in and see him sprawled on the couch, and in this human’s loose shirt, no less. He looked, no doubt, like some sort of wretched dilettante. Or an artist. A bohemian.

And nearly to lash out at her when he woke. No wonder she looked so attentive to his every move.

He was in no – properly embarrassing state, thank Hurte, however else his dream might have embarrassed him. He disentangled himself from his blanket, setting it aside and setting his stockinged feet upon the floor.

He could smell tea. How long had she been awake?

It had been his intent to avoid all this by rising at his accustomed hour, long before the sun. He had been unsure when she would rise – no doubt an early riser herself, making it somewhat more challenging. Even earlier, he had told himself, then, he would have to be up. So that he could have finished his morning exercise and been clean-shaven by the time she left her room.

This was quite the opposite of that. Why did the sofa have to be where the kitchen was? It had been strange enough, sleeping across a thin screen from Elwes.

“No,” he said, “no, I should like to rise. I am not usually in the habit of wasting the daylight hours.” He sounded much more like himself, at least, if he felt rather as if he had been pasted together with glue.

Belatedly, he snatched his glasses off the end table, setting them on his face more fumblingly than he would have liked.

He paused. “Thank you,” he added, a little sheepish. “Your ankle – how is it?” The events of the last few days skipped slowly back; the dream began to melt away, and he felt as if an anvil were about to crash down on his head, there was so much to remember. “Here,” he blurted out, holding out a hand. There was embroidery around his sleeve; he did not try to look too closely at it. Or think about the thinness of the sleeve, relative to his uniform.

If she had heard – Hurte’s grace, no doubt she thought he was some sort of madman. And a particular sort of madman he did not much like.

“I did not, ah – I was not making a terrible racket, was I?” He tried not to look as invested in the answer as he was. “I am in an uncharacteristic state of disorder; I apologize.”

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Aurelie Steerpike
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:25 am

Roalis 29, 2720 - Morning
Above the Good Pan Bakery
Desiderio's eyes were wide (and gold; had they always been so bright?) when he looked at her. She might have laughed if she didn't feel so flustered. He hadn't shaved; he hadn't needed to, before. Of course not. He was a boy then and he was... Well, a young man now. Not a boy at all anymore.

Looking at him like this, with his disheveled hair and the embroidered collar of the too-large shirt hanging off of him, stubble at his jaw... He didn't look much like Inspector Morandi at all. Nor, she thought, did he look much like the boy she had known. He was an entirely different creature, one that she didn't know. This, she thought, was who had helped her all this way, bathed Shadow with her. She didn't know this man; she wondered how many people did.

He sat up a little more, looking away from her. Had she been staring? She hadn't meant to. He had just seemed so tense in his sleep, and now... He had said something in his sleep, or half of something. An endearment, she thought, though she didn't understand what it meant. He touched his face and frowned; Aurelie's eyes caught again on his ring. Dreaming, she thought guiltily, about his fiancée. That must be it. Was he worried about her? He must be, stuck here in the Rose with Aurelie like this. And what had she been doing? Admiring the way light fell on his face? Shameless and awful, that's what she was. Completely and entirely.

Aurelie swallowed and looked away at last. As she should have done long ago! What was she thinking, watching him... wake up? There was something immensely intimate about it all. Too much so; she felt distinctly overwhelmed. She had never seen him waking up before, not even as children. Nurse would have been beside herself, to say nothing of Mother. Mother, Aurelie thought with a twist of her heart, would not have liked many things about the way she lived now, and what she had done in her life.

At least she had the minor satisfaction of being right (with a fresh wave of concern on its heels). Desiderio was not accustomed to sleeping in any more than she was. He sounded a little better when he said that, even if he didn't look much like she had grown accustomed to. Cass did not favor particularly feminine patterns, at least; the shirt must be one of hers. Aurelie thought she'd seen it before. Mended it, even, when it had caught on something and torn a small hole.

"All right then," she agreed, shaking herself. Pay attention! She ought to put breakfast on the table, now that he was up. Cass had eaten already, and what there was for the two of them was cold by now. She would warm it up, of course. Normally, she would have eaten with Cass, but today... Well. Best to just not mention that. He would feel better, anyway, after something solid in him. Everyone did. "Come sit at the table, then; I made tea already, and I can warm up the rest of breakfast."

She gingerly pushed herself up while Desiderio put his glasses back on. She hadn't thought about getting back up when she had knelt on the floor. To look at Desiderio while he slept. Because she was concerned, of course, but bells and chimes. At least he hadn't seen her doing that.

"Ah, it's... It's doing better today, I think." Likely, she could have gotten up by herself and didn't need his hand. She took it as if it were only natural. The most natural thing in the world, in fact, sliding her hand into his and rising off of the floor that way. Not gracefully, it had to be said, but even rumpled and out of sorts, Desiderio was steadying.

"A racket?" Aurelie looked up at him and raised her eyebrows, surprised he should ask. What did he...? Ah. There was the matter of the... She turned a little pink, remembering. For an aching moment, she had the mad thought that she wished he had been thinking about her. Or what she had been, she supposed—not as she was now.

"N-No, it's all right. You didn't... Uhm, I couldn't understand anyway, and... Ah. There's no need to apologize. I, uhm. Hmm."
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Desiderio Morandi
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: The Steadfast Tin Inspector
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Graf
Writer Profile: Writer Profile
Post Templates: Post Template

Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:42 am

above the good pan, old rose harbor
morning on the 29th of roalis, 2720
he still sounded bewildered. He was growing more and more certain that he had been talking in his sleep. Her eyes lingered momentarily on his shirt. When they glanced away, he tugged the collar up a little in vain, sharply aware of the impropriety of it. He would have to put his uniform back on as soon as possible, at least until Elwes had heard from the tailor.

His brow furrowed deeper. Warm up breakfast, all for him? He cursed himself again. She likely thought him some sort of cad, at this point. She had already eaten with Elwes earlier – with him sleeping on the sofa the whole time? good heavens! – and was going to warm breakfast…

He was distracted by the effort of helping her to her feet. He was still somewhat dizzy, and all of him felt stuck together with sleep, but it felt good to give her something solid to hold. He firmly resolved not to think of the distance between her hand and his face, sitting as he was – or any of the things he had been thinking about in his sleep.

“You should not be walking on it so much,” he pronounced. Much easier to think of that than anything else. He looked down at her ankle, though, and then back up, raising his brows. “Or perhaps there is no stopping you, yes?” he drawled, frowning.

While she was on her feet, he took a moment to steady himself on the arm of the sofa and rise.

The sight he saw before him was frankly appalling. The pillow, rumpled with the shape of his head (and he felt quite sure there were creases on his cheek). The terribly suggestive shape he had left in the cushions and the tangle of blankets. Could one tell what he had been dreaming about just from looking at it? That was ridiculous, but it irked him as if it were the most reasonable thing in the world. A dozen priority spells were on the tip of his tongue. He might even have been desperate enough to use one, if the thought of casting on her had not been much worse.

He was ashamed to have her see it, still. A young lady! Like a – a dormitory, he thought, imagining the apartments at Anastou, and how terribly messy his peers had been, knowing their beds would simply be made by the –

With his back turned to her, he was sharply aware of the lack of any field but his.

Slowly, as he had many times in his flat in Vienda and in Numbrey, he went about smoothing the pillow and folding the blanket. From behind him, at first, she sounded surprised; he almost could not bear to see her face. Then… His heart sank. I couldn’t understand anyway, and… Ah.

He cleared his throat, turning back. And found himself surprised, once again, to be rather looming over her.

“Well. Thank – you.” For not understanding Bastian Estuan, he almost said, but managed to stay himself. She was pink-cheeked – lovely, he thought again, then kicked himself – and he had not a clue what she was thinking. Other than she was stumbling something terribly with her words.

She absolutely knew.

And to be rather trapped up here with him, thinking that he was that sort of madman – who had done all he had done because he was some sort of unrequited obsessive, no doubt – an engaged man! – what a spine-chilling thought. (There was a storyline very much like that in The Bell-Ringer of Florne.)

And to have to set out breakfast for him, because he had slept in like the worst sort of guest. “At Numbrey,” he began, thinking to joke, “if one slept late, one simply missed breakfast and learned to do better.”

It came out very severe and sharp. He was scowling.

He cleared his throat, hesitantly offering her his arm to go to the table. He reminded himself rather firmly that she had not said what she had heard, only that she had not understood. Perhaps – perhaps he had been mumbling. Perhaps it was nothing at all. The stammering could have been explained by any number of things, not least of all his bearing. Perhaps he was making it worse by being so much – what he was.

“I am grateful,” he went on, “but you must already have eaten. I am quite willing to fend for myself, as they say.” His stomach let out a loud growl.

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Aurelie Steerpike
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Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes & Thread Tracker
Writer: Cap O' Rushes
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:28 pm

Roalis 29, 2720 - Morning
Above the Good Pan Bakery
Desiderio sounded so fretful, scolding her for walking on her ankle. Aurelie felt a little guilty; she knew she ought not to be. And she wouldn't! Much. Certainly she was resting much more than she would have any other day. Now that he was awake, she would sit again. After, of course, breakfast. When he looked down to her ankle and then back up to her face, Aurelie almost laughed.

"I'm afraid not," she admitted sheepishly. "You know how I can be. I'm—rather afraid that hasn't improved at all." She slipped her hand from his reluctantly, and used it to tuck her hair self-consciously behind her ears. You know how Steerpike women are, she almost went to add, but thought better of it at the last moment.

Shadow was gnawing on a soup bone Aurelie had given him underneath of the breakfast table. It made a terrible, disgusting racket, but he did look very pleased with himself. Aurelie was glad—she hadn't been sure that he would like it, but she had seen the groundskeeper throw bones to the hounds for this purpose. She had asked him why once, as a girl, and he had simply said it was important for their teeth, especially as puppies. Aurelie wasn't certain how much of a pup Shadow was (his sheer size still took her aback if she let herself wonder on it too long), or if bander wolves were the same as those long, lean hunting dogs Mr. Whitmore had kept, but she had given it to him anyway.

Aurelie had rather expected Desiderio to follow her to the breakfast table after he got to his feet. To her surprise he turned instead to the sofa where he had been sleeping. She glanced over at it, and then quickly away. This ought to fluster her much less, she thought desperately; hadn't she just had...? That was... That was different though. That was— that was Aremu, and this was... Desiderio was just different to her, in some way she couldn't put her finger on. Perhaps it was just being back in Anaxas, on soil she knew, with rules she knew, that made her so much more keenly aware of every single one of them.

While he straightened out the blankets and smoothed over the pillow, Aurelie babbled on. She had only meant to reassure him that he hadn't said anything... out of order in his sleep. At least, not that she understood, which was the same thing really. Besides, it was perfectly natural to dream of someone you were in love with. As he must be with his fiancée.

"You're welcome," she said automatically when he turned back to her. She hadn't the faintest idea what she was being thanked for; the whole thing felt rather silly. It was just that when he turned, she had to look up, and in doing so noticed how much differently this collar sat on him than the one of his uniform jacket.

Or rather, how it did not sit; human collars did not fit so high or so close to the neck. She could see now, when she could not before, how the scars on his face continued down his neck, only to disappear under his shirt. Her mind tried to expand on the thought, to think on if they continued and to where; she firmly stopped herself from wandering down that path. Too far.

Aurelie didn't know quite how to take it, that comment about Numbrey. She might have thought it a joke, if he hadn't said it so severely. He was scowling as well, but she couldn't decide if that meant anything at all either way. She frowned, feeling offended in some vague way. As if she would be so—whatever else he was, he was a guest, and the thought of letting a guest go hungry simply because he'd slept later than she had...

He cleared his throat and offered her an arm, going on before she could mount a suitable protest. He was, she realized slowly, perhaps—not scolding her, but rather quite possibly... embarrassed. The sound of his stomach melted away the last of her irritation; she shook her head and smiled, taking the offered arm.

"Don't be silly," she chided him, urging them towards the table. There were creases from the pillowcase in his cheek that made a sort of ridiculous parody of the scars on the other side of his face. Aurelie thought it was very charming, a thought she ignored. "You're a guest, not a... a recruit at Numbrey. Or do you think we're such poor hosts?" Aurelie looked up at him and smiled as she said the last, hoping to make it clear that she was only teasing.

"Besides," she added without thinking as they reached the table, "I haven't eaten yet myself. I was, ah, waiting for... Oh. Er. Waiting for you, I suppose." Ah. She hadn't meant to say that. Shadow wiggled out from under the table, sending one of the chairs back with a hideous squeak of the legs scraping against the floor. He seemed very pleased to see Desiderio awake, which was rather sweet. He was also, perhaps, waiting for some of their breakfast.
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Desiderio Morandi
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: The Steadfast Tin Inspector
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Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:25 pm

above the good pan, old rose harbor
morning on the 29th of roalis, 2720
orandi supposed that he did, in fact, know how Aurelie could be. After a fashion.

How wonderfully strange that she punctuated it with another familiar motion, more nervous. His eyes followed her hand as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, oddly mesmerized. He noticed a small freckle on the tip of it. He jerked his eyes away to the table.

There had been a sound in the background of all of this. He thought he must have woken to it, because he had not noticed it in the least until now. A slobbery series of clacks and crunches. A great, ruffled, striped flank was underneath the table.

She frowned at first, as if she were going to protest. He set his jaw rather sternly when he offered her his arm; he felt foolish, but he felt unable to do otherwise, as if he were falling down a slippery slope into deeper and deeper embarrassment. Then she – smiled, and called him silly.

He cleared his throat, still frowning. “Ah,” he grunted with surprise, looking down at her suddenly, “I did not mean to suggest–!”

But she was smiling, her green eyes bright. Teasing him.

He felt a prickle of warmth in his cheeks. “Hurte bless your hospitality. I am not often a guest, if you cannot... already tell.”

Another clear of the throat. She was not quite so close at his side as they made their way to the table, this time. There was only the occasional brush of her hip, and they did not have to hold hands, though her fingers were remarkably warm through the sleeve of his shirt.

He should really have something to wear – over this. Even for breakfast, surely, it was hardly appropriate. Not that anyone was paying attention. But his uniform and even his suits gave him a shape (the latter discreetly aided by certain structural garments). He felt now rather as if too many of his own shapes were on the outside of him, and in the wrong sort of company for that.

Again, he felt wretchedly bohemian. And she looked so very – lovely. And dignified and shapely, even in her strange human layers.

Her smile was still warm, and a little teasing. She was no longer stuttering quite so much. Perhaps he was being very silly. He tried to relax.

The shutters were open, and there was a breeze coming in from the Harbor. The unfamiliar smells of that city mingled with the strong scent of tea and natural perfume of Shadow. Before they sat, he looked over her shoulder at a square of brilliant blue sky, broken up only by the silhouettes of rooftops. It was quiet, but outside somewhere, he heard someone call out, and the distant wheels of coaches.

Very unfamiliar. The morning breeze, though warming with the Roalis sun, cut through his shirt and ruffled his collar. He shivered. His jaw still ached from the night before.

“Waiting f–” He broke off when Shadow came out, jolting a little at the sound from the chair. He found himself looking at a lolling red tongue and a fluffy, striped face. “Oh,” he said as he pulled out a chair, his brow furrowing. “That is very kind of you.” He stared at her for a moment, concerned. She must be hungry, too. Had she felt it would be rude to eat without him?

They had said they would spend the day together, and he supposed that included breakfast. It seemed so surreal now to think of her fingers interlaced with his.

“By all Her beauty, pup, I daresay you want breakfast as well.” He tutted, reaching down hesitantly to ruffle pup’s head. His hand came away covered in slobber; he wrinkled his nose. “Do you need – help? With breakfast.” He looked at Aurelie, frowning, wholly out of his element.

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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Plot Notes: Plot Notes & Thread Tracker
Writer: Cap O' Rushes
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:50 pm

Roalis 29, 2720 - Morning
Above the Good Pan Bakery
Was that...? Aurelie couldn't be positive, but looking at Desiderio after she teased him, she thought she saw a rise of color in his face. This was undoubtedly awful of her, but it made her want to tease him more rather immediately, to make him do it again. She didn't want to embarrass him of course, that would be cruel. It was just—if someone had told her when she first saw him in the market, or even for all the days between then and yesterday, that he could be made to blush (that she could make him blush), Aurelie might not have believed it.

"You're doing just fine at it," she reassured him with another half a laugh. Aurelie managed not to tease him any more with only a small struggle. No matter how she liked to see the look on his face, she would rather not cause him distress. Even she knew that wasn't how one treated a friend. Not even in so strange and unexpected a friendship as this.

Besides, she was doing plenty of that herself—blushing. The journey from the sofa to the kitchen table was short, and she'd still managed to brush against him slightly with her hip more than once. The fabric of this shirt was much thinner than the fabric of his uniform coat. Aurelie was reminded again of the sensation of his bare arm underneath her hand, from yesterday, made all the more vivid for her lack of sight. She was rather grateful he couldn't see into her mind without effort on his part; her thoughts were rather difficult to keep under control.

The difference in effect of Cass' shirt on Des' shoulders was what was making her take extra notice, that was all. She had seen him only in stiff-shouldered uniforms, both dress and otherwise. They made him look very severe, if no less handsome for it. (She could, at least, admit to herself that she found him to be so. Which there was nothing wrong with! He was, that was all; Aurelie had eyes.) The angled embroidery of the collar placket and cuffs, as well as the soft drape of the linen, made him look less like a soldier and more like... Like an artist, she thought, with a sad twinge in her heart.

And her clothes? What did they make her look like to him? They were very—human, of course. She still knew she looked not at all like one, not really. Red hair and freckles weren't entirely unheard of in humans, of course, but it certainly wasn't common—combined with all the rest of her? She must look silly, like someone in a play. Aurelie couldn't help but wonder what he thought of it all. Silly vanity, she chided herself; what did it matter what he thought of what she was wearing?

(All the same, she was rather grateful it was this, which at least had the proper number of layers, and not anything she had worn on the Isles. That had not been something to which she had grown too particularly accustomed, much as she had tried. Too Anaxi, she supposed, to be anything else.)

"Well I, ah... It's better to eat with someone, isn't it? I didn't want you to... uhm. Eat alone. When we said we'd... Yes." He was staring at her again, with a strange look on his face. See? She blushed plenty. He must think her very stupid. Perhaps she was. No, she knew she was. But she stood by what she said—meals were best enjoyed in company. She had sat with Cass, at least, while the other woman ate.

Aurelie was moving a little past the table, towards the stove. The kettle was on it still, although she had removed it from the heat before she had gone to check on Desiderio. The tea had already been strained and poured into two cups, which she had covered so they wouldn't go cold before he woke up. (She would have, of course, happily warmed it again on the stove, but she didn't think that was necessary.)

As she reached the other side, Desiderio reached down to pat Shadow on the head. The sight of it made her smile; the smile only brightened as his hand came away slightly shiny with slobber. It was good to see them getting along so well. She knew Desiderio had been concerned about it, at the farmhouse. (Had that really been only two days ago? It felt so long ago.)

"Oh, you don't have to bother yourself! Are you feeling all right today?" Aurelie looked at him again, this time with a more... task-oriented eye. He seemed tired, she thought uncertainly, but no worse than that. Not that she could see. "But, ah, if you'd like... I was just going to warm the porridge on the stove, if you'd like to feed Shadow...?" She gestured to where some food had been brought up for him, but not yet set out. Scraps, mostly, and some of their own breakfast.

She could have done it, of course. She likely should have insisted that he sit; he was a guest, after all. But it would go rather faster with his help, and she thought... Well, if he fed Shadow, wouldn't that be a sort of... bonding activity? She did hope so. Cass had taken him out earlier, for a bit of exercise and other necessities—Aurelie could hardly do it herself, with her ankle. Thinking of the two of them taking care of Shadow together made something flutter in her stomach; it wasn't unpleasant, but it was foolish.
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Desiderio Morandi
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: The Steadfast Tin Inspector
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Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:56 pm

above the good pan, old rose harbor
morning on the 29th of roalis, 2720
s for whether he was doing fine at it, Morandi felt dubious. But he had yet to find an obstacle which he could not overcome; he told himself stalwartly that this was no different.

This was very different.

“I am accustomed to eating alone,” he blurted out before he could stop himself. Then he felt a fool, watching her hobble past the table and over to the stove; he cleared his throat, frowning more deeply. “We did – hmm. I am grateful for your company.” He was holding his hand primly out of reach of Shadow’s lapping tongue, casting about for some kerchief to wipe it off on.

And keeping an eye on her ankle, at the same time. Her ankle did look better. There was a slight bulge where, no doubt, Elwes had re-wrapped it; he felt a sudden sting of mistrust at the thought of a human’s hands on her ankle, but it looked like skilled work. He remembered what the human had told him about her erstwhile occupation, and he supposed she was no stranger to this sort of thing.

He found his eyes lingering. The unevenness of her gait made her skirt swish, buoyant, about her ankles. The overskirt was embroidered at the edges with the same patterns as her collar.

He glanced up sharply, but she was not looking in his direction. Then she was, her green eyes studying him a bit more narrowly.

He set his jaw, frowning. “I am indeed,” he said matter-of-factly, “thank you. I should hope the bruising has gone down somewhat.” He knew that he was being evasive. “Very well. I would like to have something to do. I am unaccustomed to idleness.”

He felt sorry that he could not seem to summon a smile to his face, but her expression was warm enough for both of them. Inclining his head, he went to the counter where she had indicated. Scraps of meat and barley porridge. As if he knew, Shadow followed him, pressing at his heels.

“Blast it. We shall have to train him.” The we had been entirely unintentional – and entirely presumptuous. He cleared his throat. “Shadow, if you tangle yourself up in my legs, you shall trip me. That is assault on an officer of the Seventen, pup. You are not –”

Pup was whimpering, nosing wetly into his leg. Then there was a paw on his trouser-leg.

He was lowering the bowl to the floor, crouching. “You are not taking those charges seriously at all,” he growled under his breath.

He looked up idly over his glasses, briefly looking at Aurelie at the stove.

Paintings everywhere he looked, it seemed to Morandi. This one surreal, and more than a little scandalous from this angle. Her embroidered slippers, the pointed hem of her skirt. Light limning the curve of her hip and glancing off the shawl at her shoulder, and then catching copper-bright in her strangely short hair. From the back, he would scarcely have known whom he was looking at, much less Aurelie Steerpike.

The sadness at how they had not recognized each other at first – at how they had had to hear each other’s names to recognize each other at all, and even then… That sadness had been joined by something else, which he did not wish to think too much on.

The warm, hardy smell of porridge – with a faint twinge of unfamiliar spices – was emanating now from the stove, and a few drifts of steam were curling around her shoulders.

When he rose to his feet, he let out a short hiss between his teeth, catching his forehead in one palm. “Only the headache,” he grunted sharply, oddly ashamed that she should know about the damned thing at all. He had it under control, after all; he had everything under control. “Much better this morning, in any case.” He checked above his lip again furtively for blood, then cleared his throat and moved back to the table.

Shadow had begun eating, an altogether sloppy, wretched sound.

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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Plot Notes: Plot Notes & Thread Tracker
Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:10 pm

Roalis 29, 2720 - Morning
Above the Good Pan Bakery
I am too, Aurelie thought but didn't say. She hadn't been, the last month—but before that? Oh, she was never at the table by herself. And still she took most of her meals alone. That seemed a ridiculous sort of thing to say, and she wasn't sure it made sense besides. How could she really say she ate alone, when she was never by herself?

She might have thought he was angry with her, or that she had created an obligation he didn't want. Desiderio had, after all, frowned more deeply after clearing his throat and declaring he usually ate alone. Might have—if he hadn't then also added that he was grateful for her company. And anxiousness of that sort was difficult to hold on to while he was trying so hard not to let Shadow make his hand any more disgusting.

The bruising had, in fact, flattened out. It was uglier now than it had been last night, or else she could see it better in the morning light that came through the open kitchen window. Certainly that light was brighter and less forgiving than the dim, soft lamps. Aurelie could clearly see what was bruise and what was just shadows on Desiderio's face. Cass had been in her rights to have hit him, but Aurelie couldn't help feeling as if she ought not to have done it so hard.

"It is looking better. I'm glad." Unaccustomed to idleness, was it? That Aurelie understood very well—there was something pleasing about hearing him say it. She supposed that she just liked them having that much in common. Silly thing, after all this time, but it did please her as she moved to the stove. "Thank you," she added, almost forgetting her manners entirely.

While she brought their own breakfast to warm, she kept her eye on Shadow and Desiderio. Shadow must have known what was waiting for him; he was certainly living up to his name, pressed into Desiderio so closely. She really ought not encourage the behavior, but it was just a bit cute how eager he was. Aurelie very nearly moved to intervene, in fact, but something stayed her. If she went over there, that would defeat the entire point of wanting them to interact more, wouldn't it?

"We shall—he's clever, I'm sure we can." We. He must have said it by mistake. Aurelie was sure of it with the way he cleared his throat right after, looking slightly abashed. (At least she thought he did; she was, perhaps, reading too much into an expression that hardly deviated from a frown.) Mistake or not, it sent the warmest thrill up her spine. Of course they would do it together; Shadow was their dog.

Also a bit cute was the way Desiderio scolded the dog. So serious! Aurelie wasn't sure if she was supposed to laugh. She tried to concentrate on stirring the porridge so it didn't burn to the bottom of the pot, but they were very distracting. Aurelie bit her lip, shoulders held quite still.

Shadow, for his many crimes, seemed to regret nothing. Merely pawed at Desiderio's leg, making the most tragic face she thought she had ever seen. For a dog so big (not a dog, she reminded herself), he did manage to look so very pathetic. Aurelie couldn't hold back any longer when Desiderio crouched down—she laughed, bright and delighted, turning back to the pot. She was just so happy to see them get along, that was all. And wasn't it charming to see anyone behave in such a way to a puppy? Of any size? Yes.

"They are very serious charges," Aurelie offered over her shoulder, not turning away from their food now. "Almost as serious as... Ah." That had not been very funny.

She looked over again sharply at a hiss of pain from Desiderio. As if he could read her mind—Gracious Lady it was good he couldn't—he growled something about his headache. The porridge was near to warmed through, so she turned back to that, but there was a concerned line between her eyebrows. "You should let me know if it gets any worse," she said, a bit more firmly than she meant to. "I only mean—we might have something for it. Cass has... I can ask her." Somehow, she felt it would be better if she did the asking on his behalf.

There. Warmed enough, she thought. Aurelie removed the pot from the heat, then spooned portions into two bowls she had gotten down earlier. Somehow, the absolutely revolting sound of Shadow enjoying his own breakfast made her aware of how hungry she was. Aurelie looked at the bowls, frowning, and briefly over her shoulder to Desiderio—then put in just a bit more than she had. They hadn't eaten well the day before, after all, and she hadn't missed that he'd had seconds at dinner.

"There's a bit more, if you'd like. Or I could go downstairs and get something else," she offered, setting his bowl in front of him first. Carrying both at once was too difficult with her being so unbalanced by her ankle. She went back for the tea, which she had poured and forgot to set at the table. Only after she had set his in front of him did she realize she hadn't asked him how he wanted it. Bells and chimes. And she had teased him about insulting them as hosts!

"Oh, ah, would you like anything...? I normally take mine without, but we have... A bit of lemon, and some sugar up here I think—and there's milk downstairs...?" She hovered, not yet sitting down. Only after she knew what he wanted would she sit. Anything else was unacceptable.
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