Strange Familiarity[Jean-Rene]

A man looks for information, finds something else instead.

Open for Play
Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Race: Galdor
: Xonia the Nomad
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Kimmie
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Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:00 pm

Dentis 32, 2718
he’d left the city for a short time, keeping it within an hour’s walk to the outskirts. It was becoming clear to her that if she wanted to quest out to find answers about herself, she would need to procure a horse. It was not an easy decision to make because of how much coin it took to purchase one. Xonia had decided to go back and talk to a trader about a horse. He gave her a price and she was pondering over her options.

Of course, she had made sure to pick up a wad of paper, smooth it out, and to write the information out using a borrowed pen so she could remember it in case she had one of her time lapses again. She hated having time snatched away from her like that, but it had been happening quite a lot since her guardian had died.

The young drifter entered the same place she had last time, the Black Dove, her hood low over her head so as to keep her face somewhat out of view. She settled on a barrel at the bar and waited until she had the attention of the barkeep to start talking… “I will have the Clever Fellow.” She stopped there after that, pressing the correct amount of coin forward and soon retrieving her drink.

She brooded at the things she might need to do in order to obtain her transportation. Sell herself? Oh no, that is an act of sheer desperation and would therefore be the last resort measure… Honestly though, she didn’t quite understand what… all took place in the act of selling oneself, but Lorent had warned her it was dangerous for a woman to ply such a trade and she, especially, should keep herself far and away from doing such a thing. She frowned at the thought and tried to rattle off some more possible alternatives…

Hunt for meat and trade the meat AND the pelts… She knew what that entailed and felt discouraged because it took time to cure pelts and she had absolutely no intentions on remaining in the city beyond another week.

Offer to help where she was at; that thought made her balk and shake her head at herself. Simply just keep walking, take her time…? She didn’t even know where to start looking for answers!

The familiar ring started to whistle in her ear and she rubbed at the old wound with trembling fingers. “Not now…” murmured to herself and forced herself to take long and deep breaths, trying to relax away from the ache of a near decade’s old trauma to the back of her head. It was because of that, she thought, that blow to the head that I lost everything, and it might make me lose everything again…

Would singing be an acceptable way to get coin? She could do that… That would be easy, right? Yet that would still put her at some kind of risk and she was so very cautious without he stalwart protector at her shoulder.

Pilfering? Suicide in a city like this, she growled inwardly. She took a long pull from her mug and decided that for the sake of sanity, and maybe not losing time, she would need to relax and to breathe… Calm… Yes… Calm…

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Jean-Rene Dimonte
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Writer: Nathaniel
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:38 pm

Jean-Rene Arnauld Dimonte

Jean-Rene was at the tail end of a journey that had lasted a few days, and he was well ready for its end. He had no love for carriage rides, and especially no love for carriage rides on poorly maintained roads. On the bright side, the cold had begun to descend upon Anaxas that month, and Jean-Rene was able to dress himself in one of his finest black coats.

He had left his military uniforms in Vienda.

Old Rose Harbor contained nothing good, and next to nothing that interested the Galdor. Though its economic importance to the kingdom could not be overstated, crime was rampant among the port city - crime, and lesser races. The humans were the de facto rulers of Old Rose; the Galdori, including The Seventeen, had all but surrendered the city to one Silas Hawke. Money talks, I suppose.

Dimonte was just about sure that any one division of The Seventeen could stroll into Old Rose and eliminate its entire population, but even Galdori palms could be greased - and even Galdori throats could be cut in the shadows of Vienda. For a four snap officer of the Investigative Services Division, stepping foot in Old Rose was nearly a suicide mission... that is, if that officer had not paid for the privilege.

Doing business with the lesser races was a damned abomination to Jean-Rene, but he couldn't restrain himself. Old Rose Harbor contained the best location to pursue his greatest vice - a vice that would be quite frowned upon among the high society of Vienda.


Jean-Rene had discovered card games at a young age, and had become hooked almost immediately. Even now, as an adult, the habit persisted. He traveled to Old Rose under the pretense of pursuing a lead in a case that had gone cold... a convenient falsification, one unlikely to draw too much attention provided he did not use it too often. He was wise enough to limit these little 'vacations'.

He was also wise enough to know it would be best to avoid entering the town in a carriage. He took his leave of his vehicle a short distance from Old Rose, and sent the driver to wait at an inn. The noise from the bustling city rang in Jean-Rose's one good ear as he pulled on black riding gloves and a stovepipe hat. The collar of his coat stood stiff and tall, conveniently concealing much of his face. Still, his pink irises shone bright from the shadow cast by his hat. His snow white hair was kept in a high knot underneath.

Dimonte's ultimate destination was The Mad Queen, but the final leg of the journey had left him famished - and parched. So he elected to make a sort of 'pit stop' at the Black Dove for a drink and, perhaps, a bite to eat.

As he made his way through the streets, black leather boots clicking along the sidewalks, he could not help but notice the attraction of many gazes. Their eyes disgusted him - their silent judgment was revolting. It was like walking through a sewer, rats and other vermin clinging to your ankles and crawling past your toes. He was happy when he arrived at the Black Dove.

Entering the establishment, Jean-Rose slowly removed his hat and held it in his hands. His snow white hair was plain to see, as well as his albino skin, but he reckoned the bribes he was paying would keep any violent attention away. At least for the time being. He scratched the whiskers on his cheeks, and held his head high. Judgment or no, he would be damned if he cowed before these animals.

He tried his best to ignore any stares and made his way to the counter for a drink. He quietly requested a simple wine, and navigated his way to a dark and lone table in the corner. He would only rest here for a short time before heading to The Mad Queen for the evening.

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Race: Galdor
: Xonia the Nomad
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Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Kimmie
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Sat Nov 10, 2018 10:50 pm

The Day is like Night.
It was all too much; there was no relaxing in her situation. She did not have time to linger in a run down city when she could be making progress on the roads and finally start looking for clues as to who she was and where she came from. Her agitation was enough to start attracting attention while she was murmuring to herself and fighting whatever it was that took time away from her. Perhaps they thought she was touched in the head… in a different sort of way than what she actually was.

Nobody knew that she was damaged by the hand of another, wearing the shackles of afflictions caused by that trauma. She wasn’t a madwoman, and she was lucky enough to be very smart because Lorent had not let her die and he would not let her be some kind of invalid. She couldn’t help that she had to fight to control her hands or that she was grimacing over some disgusting flavor in her mouth that hadn’t been there a moment ago.

The girl, suddenly feeling thirsty, drained her mug of all contents in one smooth motion, as if that would help that cold sweat to go away. Then she stood and muttered to herself, “No… n…no… Not here…” She brushed passed a man without even seeing him, skirted around another, and glanced behind her enough that the shadows of her hood could not shroud her face for just that moment.

Her pretty eyes stopped for just a few seconds upon the face of a very white looking man who’d just sat down within a few strides of her, but she wasn’t exactly looking at him. An expression of pain was written so boldly upon her face.. She bumped into a large man and got a hard stare from him, but she stumbled around him

In her reality, she was hearing that internal whistle and starting to feel disoriented. She shoved out the door and what started as a deliberate journey came the directionless wandering. She was no longer muttering nor was she fighting whatever it was that took the time away from her. It was toward the beach that she walked… minutes going by to those who could see her walking, and completely disappearing for her.

The best way to describe her actions of her slow walk to the beach was that she looked very much like she was sleepwalking. She didn’t stop until after several moments, her boots crunching upon shards of discarded glass and sand. About twenty feet or so more and she stopped dead in her tracks.


She was looking at the sea without seeing it, face void of emotion or awareness. Xonia stood that way for several minutes before her knees buckled and she went down on to them, her butt resting on the back of her legs as awareness slowly came back to her. She closed her eyes and took several, shaky breaths. Wasn’t… she just in a tavern? Hadn’t she just ordered a drink and sat there trying to plan out her next moves?

It’d happened again… Except this time it was bad… She had no clue how she even got to where she was at, nor if anyone followed her and was about to pounce like she was fresh meat on the docks. Time had ceased to exist for… it must have been at least… ten minutes or so if she was staring at water. “Gods,” she said out loud and palmed her face.
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Jean-Rene Dimonte
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Writer: Nathaniel
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:12 pm

Jean-Rene experienced a sudden rush of irritation and disgust as some stranger suddenly brushed against him on her way out the door. However, his feelings quickly shifted as he felt the unmistakable field of magical ability - this was a fellow Galdori. He instinctively turned, and as the light caught the female's face he noticed the singular eyelids, the most obvious physical sign of the members of his race. His mind suddenly filled with questions. Who was this person? What was her role in Old Rose? She obviously wasn't a passive; whether she was skilled at magical conversation was unknown to him, but she undoubtedly had magical potential.

Was she one of those Galdori sympathetic to the 'cause' of lower races? The thought made him want to gag. Why was she muttering this nonsense? She was obviously out of control, and perhaps entirely mad. His curiosity, suffice to say, had gotten the better of him.

Dimonte allowed her to make her way out of the tavern before he followed, hoping he wouldn't be causing anymore of a scene by obviously pursuing her. When he left the establishment, he saw her shuffling off down the street. She walked like a dead woman, or a woman possessed. He followed at a healthy distance, his hat placed once again upon his head. It occurred to him that he could attempt to use a calming spell on her, but he decided against it for a number of reasons. For one, he was curious to see where this was going; he wanted to see if there was a method to her madness. For another, he wasn't sure if she deserved any sort of help. If she was in anyway a sympathizer to the humans and wick - those creatures who had so recently caused an uproar in Vienda - then he would be perfectly satisfied to allow her to slip into an endless abyss of madness.

She shuffled all the way to the beach, before collapsing in the sand. Jean-Rene remained on the sidewalk, perhaps a dozen feet behind where she had come to rest. She had seemed to regain her composure. Dimonte smirked despite himself. As it had turned out, here he was pursuing a lead just as he said he would. Perhaps the Ten had frowned upon his liaison, and sent him some sort of 'mystery' to solve. It was like a novel.

He raised an eyebrow as she placed her head in her hands. With a sigh, he finally decided to confront the stranger.

"You've quite a bit of nerve, you know." His voice was even, flat. "Causing a scene in the tavern and shuffling like a drunkard down the street." He lifted his chin slightly. "One of us is like to be nabbed on a corner and found cold in the morning." He narrowed his eyes at her, an eyebrow raised incredulously. Though not openly hostile, it was clear that Jean-Rene did not consider this stranger a friend, or even an ally.
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Race: Galdor
: Xonia the Nomad
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Kimmie
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Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:48 am

Time is fleeting
The sound of a voice grated into her ears, and she slowly lifted her gaze to the man who talked to her. Wh.. what was he even talking about? She looked back at the water and said in a gentle voice, “I don’t know what you are speaking of. Who… are you? Why are you asking me such questions and trying to chastise me like I offended you so? I don’t remember you…” There was honest bewilderment and she wasn’t slurring her words like a drunkard would be. She wasn’t swaying or acting drunk.

She stood then, unfolding gracefully as if she belonged to royalty and she didn’t even know it, for she did not have the look of some vain creature. His appearance was startling, his pale skin looking as cold as he sounded. Her lip didn't curl in disgust though, and she just kept... talking. “If we are here after I was in the tavern, then you must have followed me. Did you follow me this far just to speak such words? I am truly sorry if I did cause some sort of scene, but I don’t remember.”

Xonia didn’t let her eyes leave his face, but she was meeting his gaze and not staring at him like he was some kind of… freak… Even as he made her feel like one. “Don’t you ever lose time? Or is it just something I do? It’s very disconcerting to contemplate a plan on how to make money to buy a horse while sitting in a tavern spending what little coin I have for a drink to remind me of better times… to blink and be somewhere else. Or to blink and I have dropped whatever I had in my hands and find I have made a mess. This time it was bad if I don’t remember how far I’ve walked to get to this spot.”

With that, she turned and started to walk away from him and toward the water. She pulled the hood back and off of her head, quiet for a long spell before she started talking to herself, trying to recount whatever it was she had missed, only to realize that it was just fog. That and she had a head ache…

What was so different this time that she lost a good long window of time? What had happened to get her from point A to point B? Her lips flattened in annoyance at herself. It just seemed it was happening too often as of late. She wondered if it had anything to do with her having been sleeping with one eye open for…. Two or more months since her guardian had died, leaving her behind to flounder.

And now she was apparently offending folks with behavior she could not even recall. She chewed on her thumbnail, and then turned to see if he was still there. She tilted her head and studied him without judgment. There was something... about the man… something that slithered into awareness that she couldn’t name. It couldn’t be that she had ever known him, right? That was a ridiculous thought in her head. “Why DID you follow me? I am sure you could be doing better things with your time than to speak with the likes of me. You are not like the others I have encountered here…” There was no sarcasm or false sweetness lacing what she had said, only curiosity.

She was being analytical, breaking the situation down into bits and pieces, storing this here, and that there, and then continued, “I do not even have to look at you to know your presence is here. I have never had that happen before. It makes me wonder if you know the feeling too. I can’t say since I am not you, but…” She looked him up and down as if trying to place him. “I... no… never mind. People already think I am strange. I bet you think so too.”

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Jean-Rene Dimonte
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Writer: Nathaniel
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:46 am

She was only a child, which raised more questions than it solved. As she spoke to him, asking questions that she didn't seem to need answers for, his eyebrow remained unconsciously raised. Finally, she turned and walked from him a few feet, apparently through with asking questions.

No, he had never 'lost time'. He wondered if she had had some sort of accident involving magical conversation. He had never heard of such a backfire before, but mona was fascinating and ever changing. As he gathered his thoughts, still deciding whether he was attempting to help or arrest this girl, she began to speak again.

"Frankly, yes, you are strange."

He pulled his gloves off as he spoke, placing them gently within a pocket inside his coat. He then removed his hat, and held it in his left hand as he continued.

"I'll have to ask your patience, Miss. You have spoken much in these last few moments, and it is a point of much consideration for me which ... topics ... to address first." He tilted his head ever so slightly downward.

"I am an officer of The Seventeen. I am headquartered in Vienda, but for various reasons found myself in Old Rose Harbor. As an officer, it feels imperative that I investigate any strange individuals I happen to bump into - literally, on occasion." His voice had a slight twinge of irritation, as he had expected an apology for their rather rude collision in the tavern.

"Further, if I may be so frank, it was a surprise to find a Galdor here. I am, I suppose, happy to encounter what I had hoped was a civilized individual. There are so many...well, undesirables in this region. You understand my meaning." His eyes glanced around, double checking that they had not been followed or were being listened to.

"I do hate being so abrupt, but these days you never can trust anyone, can you? I would like to know who you are, if you don't mind. Someone who 'loses' time, as you claim, could be quite a danger. Have you any family, Miss? Somewhere to be other than a cold beach?" He cleared his throat, and lifted his chin.

This child was clearly mentally disturbed, for one reason or another. Despite himself, Jean-Rene realized he was actually quite fascinated with the situation before him. There were many questions, and almost no answers so far to any of them. He was clearly missing pieces of this picture, and fully intended to reach the end of this mystery.

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: Xonia the Nomad
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Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Kimmie
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Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:14 pm

Time slips away…
He was giving her all kinds of information that meant little to her. She wasn’t rude to him by interrupting him, she gave him the same courtesy as he. Her expression shifted with each point or question he made and she stood there pondering as if she would remember him afterwards. Her brows furrowed a little as she rolled her eyes up in order to gather her thoughts and form words, which could be seen in the way her mouth moved just so as though she was about to speak.

“Galdor…” she repeated, emphasis on the “g.” Her head shook slowly and she backed away a step. He was an officer of the thirteen, and he was a Galdor, and that was enough for her to show some mistrust. The hair at her nape stood on end and gooseflesh peppered her skin. “Galdor… I wouldn’t know one if I saw one, sir… If I had ever encountered one in the last several years, I don’t remember. I am hardly worth the investigation, however. I just came here to find a way to buy a horse.”

She took in a lungful of air and tried to ignore how her head throbbed at the old wound, eyes closing in a flinch when thinking about it only made it hurt that much more. Xonia forced herself to continue to speak, “Refined… Galdor… Neither are things that I am. Well, I may be the second but I wouldn’t know it. I don’t even know my real name, sir. My guardian called me Xonia or Zoe, but never a Galdor. I’d ask him about this but he’s dead now… I haven’t even had---“ her breath hitched for a moment as actually speaking it out loud hurt her heart very badly, “I haven’t had time to ask questions or look for people, let alone to grieve. I’ve been alone for long enough to forget how long, even though the month name tells me it hasn’t even been that long since he died... within perhaps 16 weeks. We ha--- I have no home, I belong nowhere. All I have been doing is wandering about with no clue as to where I am going because he’s dead. And now I am losing snatches of time because something has been happening and I don’t know what it is. So not only am I quite alone, but those who do encounter me and stick around long enough to say as much are telling me I did something that I don’t remember doing.”

To her credit, while she sounded like she was going to cry, she did not cry. She simply started to withdraw into herself a little, muttering softly, “And people don’t like broken trinkets like me.”

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Jean-Rene Dimonte
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Writer: Nathaniel
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:34 pm

She was certainly odd, and seemed to have no qualms about surrendering personal information. Jean-Rene had come to the conclusion that she was no thug, certainly no conspirator, but one could never be sure with strangers. He had not yet decided if she was telling the whole truth, but she did not strike him as a liar. She seemed, rather, to be a very sick child.

"You've no home? No one to go to? Hm." Dimonte clasped his hands together, rubbing them slowly to keep them warm. The sea breeze was awfully cold.

"Your story strikes me as odd, madam. How else does one 'buy a horse' except with money? Unless you mean to say you are searching for ways to earn money, in which case you are facing a complicated problem indeed." He cleared his throat.

"Well, this is no place of charity, nor am I a particularly charitable individual. I am not in the business of giving money to strangers." He knew she had not asked for a hand out, but felt it prudent to take care of the issue upfront.

"However, I am not keen on allowing one of my own to freeze - or worse - out on the street. I can afford to house you for the evening at the inn. Perhaps we can discover more about your predicament there, but I'm afraid I am of no mind to remain in the cold." Placing his hat upon his head once again, he reached into his coat pocket and removed his gloves, pulling them once again over his white hands.

"I'd rather not argue the matter miss, take my offer or do not." With that, he turned to walk away. He felt certain she would follow, as the chilled air would be unpleasant for anyone. At any rate, he didn't care much. If he turned and saw she did not take his offer, he would simply make for The Mad Queen and disregard the entire conversation.
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: Xonia the Nomad
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
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Writer: Kimmie
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Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:59 pm

Only time will tell.
He was insisting that she was Galdor and she felt nothing but the awareness of his presence. Then he asked a redundant question about how she would procure the animal in question and she raised her brows… Before he continued from there, she murmured, “Nomads don’t belong anywhere, especially those of us who don’t know who we are. And yes, I am speaking about finding a way to pay for the horse. I have gone through a list in my head and no option seems like the right option.” She would leave out the fact that she considered pick pocketing as a means of getting money, but she had decided not to anyways because she was not going to act like that.

Then he was talking about other things, scrutiny clear in the way he spoke and looked at her. She felt like an insect pinned to a board for study and it was not a pleasant feeling at all. Her lips pressed firmly together and she replied to his next statement about charity, “I didn’t ask for…” but he continued on anyways. He spoke some more, offering a night in the warmth of an inn and she, who had never slept in a real bed that she could remember, almost shook her head to deny herself such a thing.

Despite not being able to buy a horse, she did know how to take care of herself… mostly. She was well fed and hearty because she had enough knowledge to survive in the wild. Xonia didn’t need to accept his charity at all, nor was she keen on staying in town overnight where any number of people could do something to her. But… she thought… He was picking through the wreckage of a blow to the head without him even realizing it. And now he was walking away with the take it or leave it thought spoken out loud.

At first she merely stood there… long enough that the weird familiarity left her when he was far enough away for her not to feel that oddity. It prompted her to go after him, to catch up with him, and to take the rope he was throwing her. She fell in step behind him, pulling her hood up over her head.

Why did he care enough to make such an offer, yet not care enough to see if she took the offer? He was puzzling to her in so many ways. She remained silent and in deep thought as they moved through the city to wherever it was that he was leading her.
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Jean-Rene Dimonte
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Writer: Nathaniel
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:31 pm

The officer felt the girl's presence as she fell in step behind him. To tell the truth, he was surprised. To follow some stranger was either very bold or very stupid. He had provided no evidence of his identity...perhaps she was just that desperate for a bed. In any case, no criminal would agree to his offer. Who was this person?

The two traveled in silence to the inn - that is to say, Jean-Rene traveled in silence. If the girl spoke during their walk, she was ignored. He was busy contemplating this turn of events in his plans.

The sun had set when they reached the inn. Lanterns blazed in many of the windows. The building was comfortable, likely the best inn in Old Rose. It obviously would've required a bit of money to stay at. As they approached the building, Dimonte's carriage driver - a squat, elderly little passive - rose from a bench beside the front entrance. The driver approached his master with great reverence; head bowed, shoulders hunched. The old man didn't seem to be able to bring himself to look up at Jean-Rene's eyes.

"Sir," squeaked the passive, "your carriage has been parked in the back."

Jean-Rene sighed, and rolled his eyes. His servant had ripped Jean-Rene from his thoughts. "Must you interrupt me for a round of applause each time you fulfill the bare minimum of your duties, you Ageless Fool?"

"Sir, I - I - ", sputtered his driver.

"Do not interrupt me, passive." Jean-Rene reached into an inner pocket and brandished a few shills. "You will rent a second room for me, preferably on the same floor."

His servant's eyes seemed to light up. "Sir, I...that is very kind, I...." Clearly, Jean-Rene's driver thought he was being bought a room to stay in for the evening.

"Kind?" Jean-Rene smirked as he realized. "Not for you, passive. You'll either sleep in your seat on my carriage, or in the stables." With that, Jean-Rene walked past his servant into the building, assuming the strange girl was on his heels.

The lobby of the inn was quite well decorated, with several animal heads hung as trophies throughout the room. A red rug led to a staircase at the back of the room. Jean-Rene removed his hat, holding it in his hands, and walked slowly over to a counter at the far side. He ordered himself a bottle of wine, and turned to face the door to double check that the stranger had accompanied him thus far without issue.
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