Strangers and Cats

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Caina Rose
Posts: 59
Joined: Fri May 31, 2019 6:10 pm
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Race: Human
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Bash
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Thu Sep 19, 2019 1:57 am

Black Cat Smithy • Anaxas/Vienda
on the 15th of Yaris, 2719 • during the midmorning
This, the 17th of Yaris, was characterized by one thing: the heat. Caina’s shirt, normally loose and dragging past the waist of her skirt, had developed a tendency to stick- mostly to her lower back, though it seemed to be drawn to wherever the sweat collected. The long sleeves were rolled up, past her elbows in an attempt to offer some relief. Kingsway Market was a long ways away from the Soot District, yet the smoke coming from that side of the city certainly wasn’t helping things.

Despite the heat, the Market was crowded as usual. Caina had not been here since scamming that golly a few months back, in order to avoid being spotted by him or his friends. It was doubtful that she would be recognized, since she’d knocked him unconscious from behind, but it was better to be safe than sorry. There was also the likelihood that the girl Caina had worked with had decided to turn dobby- she hadn’t spoken to her since, either.

But her business today wasn’t in the Market, so she kept away from the booths and the crowds, skirting the edge of the pavilion to move up one of the side streets. Not far, just enough for the sounds of the Market crowds to dull, and there it was.

Black Cat Smithy, it was called. And confirmed, by the nicely crafted sign hanging by the door. Caina had never visited this particular blacksmith, but had heard good things. And other things, too. A woman with no tongue, but enough skill in her craft to make others weep with jealousy. At least, that was what Caina had overheard. And she was on her way to see what all the fuss was about.

There didn’t seem to be anyone at the forge, so Caina stepped to the front door and knocked.
Last edited by Caina Rose on Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Catriona Fraser
Posts: 68
Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:14 pm
Topics: 8
Race: Human
Occupation: Blacksmith
Location: Vienda
Character Sheet: Catriona Fraser: The Smithy
Plot Notes: Cat's Plot Notes
Writer: GingerJSM
Writer Profile: Ginger's Writer Profile

Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:44 am

15th of Yaris, 2719 • during the midmorning
Cat wore a pair of strange glasses, sitting in her workshop as she carefully inlaid the hilt of the sword with the tiniest of rubies. It was tedious work but the Galdor woman who’d ordered it was meant to be here later to day to pick up her order. The heat of the midday had hit just in time for Cat to need to go inside. After all, it wouldn’t do to have a pile of rubies sitting outside. For the final touch, a Diamond was to be placed at the base of the hilt.

This sword had been her most expensive overhead in years. She’d had to go into the market by herself with a note clutched in hand saying what she needed. And she had nearly not been able to get what she needed. If not for the draper names Ava, Cat would have walked away without this ridiculous diamond. And then both she and the musician had kindly walked her back to her forge. Even for a small distance there was no shortage of muggers looking to rob you or seventen looking to search you. The Seventen in this area liked to stop her and ask for papers from time to time but Cat knew better than to be caught without the necessary paperwork. The older patrols that had been around for a while knew her and respected Raynarus enough to leave his apprentice alone.

The Galdor woman who’d commissioned this sword had been very frightening to her. She’d alluded several times to who her husband was but for the life of her Cat couldn’t really care to figure out what she meant. Obviously he had influence but what Galdor didn’t? Of course there was the small matter of her being threatened should the sword not meet expectations, so that was a whole different worry. Still, she’d srawn the sketch and collected a monumental payment of 120 Concords upfront to afford the supplies with another 40 Concords to be paid upon delivery. The profit for this weapon meant that she might be able to afford to eat meat for the next few months. She’d be able to possibly afford to begin having an apartment built or just to go and rent an apartment. She also planned on stopping by that draper’s shop for some newer and nicer fabric. The care she’d taken in making it, not to mention the Galdor kept annoyingly showing up to check her progress, meant that it had been frustratingly difficult to work on anything else, but she had managed to start on a pair of shears for the draper. And now she was finally finished with this Vita forsaken sword.

As she held the diamond in place, there came a knock on the door. Cat stood abruptly, lightly touching the small statuette of the symbol of Vita as she made her way toward the door. She stumbled and realized she was still wearing the magnifying glasses, pushed them up to rest on her head and pulled the iron door open to reveal a dark haired woman, shorter than Cat’s lanky frame. Cat stepped out of the door and closed it behind her. This person had never been here before so Cat immediately ran to the table to pull out a notepad. It wasn’t that she always assumed people didn’t know sign, it was just easier to use the template of things she’d written down already. So of course the first thing written on the notepad was, "How can I help you?" She handed it to the woman, who she’d first assumed to be a Galdor but upon closer inspection, realized she was also human.

She stepped back and put her hands behind her, rocking on the heels of her boots. Despite being taller than her guest, Cat gave off the image of a child, waiting for approval from their parents. It then occurred to her that she could still attempt signing, so she did. "Are you interested in jewelry or something with a bit...sharper edge?"

Last edited by Catriona Fraser on Wed Oct 16, 2019 12:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Caina Rose
Posts: 59
Joined: Fri May 31, 2019 6:10 pm
Topics: 7
Race: Human
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Bash
Post Templates: Post Templates

Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:53 pm

Black Cat Smithery • Anaxas/Vienda
on the 15th of Yaris, 2719 • during the midmorning
T he heavy door swung open and Caina took a half step back in surprise- the noise from the street and left her unaware of footsteps or other signs of a presence on the other side of the door.

Standing in the doorway was a girl- older, though about the same height as Caina. She was wearing something on her head- it looked like eye glasses, but none Caina had ever seen before, with conical triangles protruding from the lenses. She had to stop herself from staring as the girl stepped back, letting Caina into the building.

She immediately stopped looking at Cat, but that was only because she was too busy taking in everything else. It was a small room, but still bigger than hers at the Stag. There was barely any lighting- only a few dirty windows that Caina could see. And everything was close together, with only a few feet of space between tables. It sort of reminded her of the Rose; of a cluttered kitchen, a warm fire, and fresh tea.

The blacksmith moved past Caina and to one of the tables, picking up a pad of paper and presenting it. Caina took it politely, taking a moment to answer.. And watch. The blacksmith- Cat, was bouncing gently on her heels as she waited. Then she signed quickly. Caina smiled as she did so, relaxing just a little. Cat might not’ve been able to tell she was tense until now, when her shoulders lowered and she straightened.

“I heard that your shop makes quality tools.” Caina signed back. “I came to see if the rumors were true.” She paused, then continued. “I am not interested in jewelry.”
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