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Cat’s Plot Notes

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:10 pm
by Catriona Fraser
Thread List





Dry Season

  • 1st Yaris - Galavanting
    Cat goes to the Gala and meets some interesting people!
  • 10th Yaris - Tea And Tensions
    Cat makes some new friends.
  • 16th Yaris - Of Fire and Fiddles
    Aodh goes Uptown to pay return visit to the Black Cat Smithy, to offer help.
  • 17th Yaris - Strangers And Cats
    Cat meets someone new?
  • 20th Yaris - Nighttime Delivery
    Cat delivers the shears she crafted to Ava, and discovers she’s REALLY not good at people.
  • 23rd Yaris - [PM to Join]Plotting, for banjos and other stringed instruments
    In which Aodh pays a visit on Cat at her blacksmith's shop, to inform her of the plan he and Ava have hatched, inquire about the banjo he requested and also to practise his sign.
  • 23rd Yaris - The Spotlight Is On
    A Mugrobi Passive arrives with a unique commission for Cat.
  • 25th Yaris - Riposte
    Cat’s struggles with the Greers invite unwanted attention.

Cat’s Plot Notes

Character Development

Short Term
* Cat is interested in the resistance but is afraid to seek them out. She’s completely unaware of how the underground moves and is afraid of talking to the wrong person. It would take them coming to her.
* Cat wants to build up her business enough to either build an apartment onto the forge or to rent something from someone else in Uptown. The cot was cute for the first 8 years, now it’s just annoying. Also she really wants a bathtub.

Long Term
* To get out from under the threat of her past catching up with her. It’s likely going to mean confronting a very uncomfortable situation.
* To learn more in the way of combat. She’s actually pretty unskilled in using the weapons she makes.

Friends and Family

Mother- Alyson Fraser- A peacekeeper in the family, always there to settle disagreements and keep her hotheaded husband at bay. She ascribes to her role as a housewife and farmer and does not deal with the affairs of others unless she absolutely has to.
Father- Joseph Fraser- Ill temper personified. Joseph hates the Galdor who keep them under their thumb and spent the first few years after Cat’s incident trying to hunt down the Galdor boy, but he never found him. He’s calmed down a bit as he’s gotten older but is still content to drink and talk shit with the other farmers about the Galdor.
Eilidh- 3 years younger- Very girly and always wanting to learn the latest fashions. Once ran away when she was nine to be a dressmaker and made it all the way to Vienda on foot before their father caught up to her. She is currently married and her whereabouts are unknown.
Tamnais- 4 years younger- a very quiet bookish child who prefers to stay indoors. He helps on the farm but retreats to his room to read whatever book had been smuggled in. It had always been his dream to go to school, even if he couldn’t do magic, he desperately wanted it. Cat would not know that when he was 15, Tamnais also found himself under apprenticeship with a Galdor surgeon.
Taveon- (Deceased) Tamnais’ twin, born dead.
Naton- 6 years younger- A young teenage boy who still works on the farm and is quite the skilled farmer, taking after his Father.
Satina- 8 years younger- Still finding herself and playing with the other kids. Misses her siblings who are gone.

Uncle Duncan- Alyson’s brother and a smith in Bad Aisling. He taught Cat at a young age but on his last visit admitted she had far surpassed his skill level. He makes horseshoes and farm tools for the local community.

Once when she was 6, the children all had a wedding in the woods. There were three brides and two grooms and no one wanted to be left out of wearing daisy crowns and sheets as wedding dresses. After her trauma at 13, Cat gave up any hope of being married and never even really explored who she was attracted to. At 22 she’s just hoping to keep her business afloat and rarely gives a thought to companionship. Maybe your character changes that? Who knows?


Hugh Feldwyn is Cat’s number one antagonist at the moment. He is currently a member of the Seventen now at 25 but has not forgotten his conquest. At some point he will find Cat if he hasn’t already and he will have some sort of convoluted plan to get her all to himself. What a creep.

Other than that, there’s lots of rude Galdor who frequent Cat’s shop and she considers them a necessary evil. Feel free to stop by and exert your Galdori dominance.


Stiiiill working on it.