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Explorations (For Cerise)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:42 pm
by Melody
Mid Morning,
37 of Ophus, 2718
Dormitory Common Room,
Ameter, Brunnhold

Thank Alioe the sun's out! It was another cold day towards year end and though Melody wasn't as unused to the extreme cold as many of the students, it was nevertheless uncomfortable. Yet the promise of a relatively clear day, and the knowledge that classes would start soon enough, made it seem a somehow special day.

The campus was beginning to fill up with returning students and the dormitory no longer had the waiting feeling that it had worn for the last week. There had been the usual tentative smiles and polite caprising of fields when she had come upon the other girls living here, but no one had made any overtures towards getting to know Melody better. That is as you expected. Melody told herself, ruthlessly squelching the tiny bubble of sadness even before she could identify the flavour of it. This is par for the course for a transfer student.. Most of her peers here would already have their particular circle of friends.. Melody gave a tiny sigh and straightened up in the armchair she had been sprawled in. It was time to get on with the day, her sketchbook would be offended if she wasted a perfectly good morning just lounging about, she smiled a little whimsically to herself.

Melody whistled, then watched as her pet osta daintily jumped down from a tall bookshelf with the jangle of bells. She adjusted her shoulder bag holding her mixed art supplies before bending down and attaching the leash threaded at her belt to Cinder's harness. ”Well Cinder, next time I'll make the effort and see if we can't meet some folks worth being friendly with..” It had been nice to have spent a quiet hour playing in the common room with Cinder, but the outside beckoned.

”Let's see what the gardens are like..” she murmured to herself and got up, ready to leave the relative warmth of the dormitory for the brisk cold of the outside.