Festus Clarke

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Festus Clarke
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:47 pm
Topics: 2
Race: Wick
Location: Old Rose Harbor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: FrogglyFriend
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Dec 15, 2019 4:49 pm

Festus Clarke
Race: Wick
Birthday: Loshis, 32-2700
Age: 19
FC: Danila Polyakov
Place of Origin: Anaxas, Vienda
Current Location: Anaxas, Old Rose Harbor
Occupation: Circus Perfomer (Daredevil/Fire-breather)
Player Name: FrogglyFriend
Physical Description
Festus is a red-headed wick just over five feet tall. He has heavily freckled skin straight hair that is kept pulled back simply when not in performance. He has hazel eyes and a very heavy face.
When performing, he prefers to wear his hair in intricate decorated styles.
Arrogant is one way to describe Festus. His arrogance stems from insecurity and a feeling of nonbelonging. Perhaps its this feeling of being an outcast - not a human, not quite like other wicks, certainly not a galdori - that leads him to entertainment and showing off his oddities. He's a bit of a masochist, taking pride in his burns and scars from stunts. He lives for thrills.
He isn't sure how to feel about other people. Humans raised him, but many harboured feelings of uncertainty, especially when he would be taught new phrases in monite that could manipulate existence around him from the wicks buying kenser. Galdori always seemed to view him down their nose, a corruption of what they stand for and exist as. For the most part he doesn't care what anybody was, if they were willing to toss in money while he played with fire and knives.

Festus was born without a name out of wedlock to a galdori woman and human man. Upon his birth, she swiftly made a tale of losing her infant and sent him out to grow up away from his birth city in Vienda to the smaller town of Fenneckey.
He passed a few hands before landing in those of a kenser farming family with their hands already full of children. He was more of a farmhand than a child, and his race did not help him blend in with the simple humans.
Whenever wicks would travel through, often with the interest in trading kenser and goods, he would find as much time as possible to learn from them. He started to learn a hodgepodge of monite and practiced on his own. He'd occasionally use them for help around the farm.
He was always a curious and adventurous child. During his teen years (and to this day) he would accept any dare thrown at him - climb a barn, jump off roofs, moving onto fire tricks and dangerous stunts. He found thrill in the stunt and soaked up the attention. Soon after coming of age, he caught wind of a circus in Old Rose Harbor, and travelled there after scrounging up his little supply of money.
Aptitude Skills
Focus Skills


Hand-to-Hand - Beginner
Evasion - Beginner


Monite - Conversational
Estuan - Fluent
Tek - Broken


Spokes' Almanac - Beginner


Circus Performer - Proficient
Farmer - Beginner
Career and Income


Performer at Balder's Circus - He does a variety of daredevil stunts, primarily firebreathing.

Income: Wealth Level

Poor - He hasn't been performing for very long, and the circus doesn't pull in significant pay. Coming from a big farm family did not set him up financially.
Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

A small and shabby tenement by Angler's Alley. Inside is a bed, an ancient wooden end table, an oil lamp, and a dresser.


Leather Boots
  • Become a respected member of the circus and furthermore the community
  • Rise into a higher income class
  • Potentially find love?


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