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Maya Wolfe

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:11 pm
by Maya Wolfe
Maya Wolfe


Race: Wick
Birthday: Bethas 3, 2696
Age: 22
FC: Ola Ghanem
Place of Origin: Unknown
Current Location: Wraithwine Wood
Occupation: Nomadic Healer

Physical Description


She stands at about 5’5”, neither short, nor tall, with a body built for dancing. Her hips are flared, her belly mostly flat, strong legs and slender but strong arms. Her hair is a mass of dark waves, her eyes silver, and she has a lovely face. There is a visible birthmark on her hip when she dances in costume. Her voice is mid soprano, neither shrill nor now. She is quite flexible.
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Maya is laid back simply just does what she must. She does not like injustice and will speak out, though not angrily like some of her counterparts. She is a joyful with a genuine, attention getting laugh. Her silence is usually pensive or comfortable when among others, and she gets along well with those who aren’t calling her dirty.


“Come, come, sit… I shall answer your questions.” She gestures to a fallen log on the other side of a crackling fire. “I come from everywhere and nowhere… I do not know who my mother or father are, I simply exist within the community. Sometimes I am among my fellow Wicks, other times? I am alone, which is how I prefer it to be.”

She pauses and hands over the wine skin, “I am perfectly at ease in the forest, for that is where I can hear the songs of the birds and the rustle of leaves. The whisper of the wind is the only one sided conversation I listen to. But enough about now… You want to know about my past.” Maya picks up a stick and pokes quietly at the fire for a moment while gathering her thoughts.

“As I said just moments ago, I do not know who brought me into this world. I was raised by an old woman who could hardly see, and I was the one to be her helping hands when she finally lost her sight completely. She was my mother, as far as I am concerned. Apparently… my parents had decided to leave me. It was rumored that not long after doing so, they were killed. Since I never really knew them, I never mourned. I loved the mother I had…” The dark haired woman prods some more at the embers, and sparks fly into the air.

“The old woman went by the name of Margot… Now, Margot had a son and a daughter, Raul, and Azure. Raul was married and hardly ever around, while Azure kept us company. Azure was my sister… She taught me how to dance and sing, and other things that we wicks like to do. She also taught me how to look for medicinal herbs while in the forest, what plants were safe to eat, what weren’t… She taught me how to use a bow and arrows for hunting, and how to trap animals. I even know how to fish, and how to cook all of the foods. But I mainly focus on trying to heal people with minor wounds who need it that I come across, it gives me some money.” Finally, she drops the stick into the campfire and sighs.

“I don’t know how long I have been on my own… It must have been a good five years since Azure moved on. I should go visit her sometime…” she no longer wants to speak of her past and didn’t know why she was telling a stranger her life story anyways. She yawns and says, “Now I am tired and would like to ponder a bit.”

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


combat (unarmed) : beginner


Conversational Monite
Fluent Tek
Broken Tyat Tek


spokes' almanac (magic): beginner


professional (wilderness survival): proficient
professional (Healer): beginner

Career and Income



Income: Wealth Level


Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type



Outfit: Homespun blouse, Skirt, boots, undergarments
Weather Gear: Thick coat, thicker socks, long-johns, pants
Bow and Arrows
Pockets: Compass, Knife Tinderbox, herb sachets
Horse and tack
Rucksack loaded with:
Dancing Costume
100 ft rope
2 Torches
Fishing net
2 Rags


She would like to become a great healer one day, perhaps find a mate, and maybe even stop wandering about.