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Asher A. Hart

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:08 am
by Asher
Asher Adrian Hart


Race: Human
Birthday: Roalis 19 2692
Age: 28
FC: Michiel Van Wyngaarden

Place of Origin: Bad Aisling
Current Location: Vienda, Brunnhold
Occupation: Tailor/Dressmaker

Physical Description


Asher is tall and corded in light muscle from factory work in his youth, his strong hands decorated in faint silver scars from his practice. His fingertips are calloused as well, now a natural protection against rogue needles, and between his lips often rest a few pins waiting to be used. His appearance seems mostly put together, if a bit shabby due to his poverty, with dark hair combed back and deep set blue eyes sometimes lined with dark circles. On nights that he trades sleep for sewing, this is quite noticeable, with his demeanor appearing a bit more unkempt.



Asher comes off quite aloof, seemingly tolerant of the current political climate and the ways in which non-Galdori are treated, often avoiding discussion or offering simple agreement to those who ask. It would appear as if this introverted tailor had no opinions on the matter, which could not be further from the truth. Deaf in his right ear from an accident when he was twelve, Asher often supplements his speech with sign language, signalling to the majority of Galdori that he is simple minded and thus unable to form complex opinions. While illiterate, a detail that deeply frustrates him even now, Asher is actually quite observant of things around him, and his attention to detail is evident in the craftsmanship of his work.

Dedicated, creative, and driven, Asher keeps to himself, more likely to stay alone in a crowded room then seek to draw attention to himself. This is only offset when given work - any assignment involving cloth, be it a simple fitting or the creation of a full outfit - Asher really begins to shine. Caught up in his work, he loves a challenge, and will settle for nothing less of perfection. It is this extreme change in persona that often shocks people when they meet a quiet man upon ordering and come back to one in who hasn't slept in days, buzzing around to finally unveil a masterpiece.

His hardworking yet still submissive impression makes him rather appealing to the Galdori, who tend to appreciate his commitment and willingness to please. But the truth is hard to swallow. Asher loves his art, not his oppressors and he can't have one without the other... Yet.

Mediator Personality (INFP-A)

Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.


Asher was born to Lila and Niel Hart, on a summer's eve in the rural town of Bad Aisling, making routine trips to Vienda to visit extended family when weather permitted. A very long walk, Asher's mother often kept him occupied by singing songs or telling stories, and when they were lucky, they would sometimes hitch rides with traveling wicks on their way into town. For the most part, these memories remained pleasant with little Galdori interruption.

But these trips were dull and tiresome, and after seeing Galdori children staring at books for hours on end, it perplexed him. What secret world were they escaping to? What did they know? At a young age, Asher ached to participate, but his father refused. He argued that even learning in secret, such education put the family at greater risk. They needed to remain undetected as possible. It wasn't until he was ten, while watching his mother and father conspire with a family friend in an alley, did he suspect anything.

While he did not know specifics, his family survived by their connections to the Freedom Fighters, both of his parents devoted members who believed in equality between all races. While not prosperous, Asher never went hungry, nor were his clothes particularly shabby. This "prosperity" was their downfall. One night after dinner, two Seventen guards came to the door, demanding entrance. Fearful their identity had been discovered, Asher's mother hid him in the pantry behind a bag of rice while the men began destroying their home.

Watching the entire scene from the crack in the door, he hid fearfully as they found a notebook written in a foreign language. When his mother refused to translate it, his father stepped in, but they were ill fit to fight against magic. Asher heard them cry out in building pain, the first having stopped their movements while the other began to weave his magic, the young boy remembering the face of concentration for as long as he would live.

Scared as strange and violent welts began to bubble on his parent's skin, Asher did not hesitate in his anger. Grabbing a broom standing next to him, he leapt from the small space and swung, ignorant of the consequences. In the same moment, he heard his mother's voice piercing the air, "Run!"

And then he heard nothing, the wooden rod snapping the Galdori's knee and sending his leg jutting in an odd angle, magical power exploding outward. Asher was flown from his feet into the nearest wall, ribs cracking and a flash of white blinding him and he laid crumpled on the ground. There was a terrible ringing in his ears, every sound distorted and unrecognizable. He blinked, tried to move. The Galdori that had been casting laid on the ground throwing up blood, while the other had been pushed back, the impact breaking the dining table.

And his parents... his parents laid unconscious and still. He tried to crawl to them, to speak, but he could not hear his own voice. Every movement hurt, but his mother's command still played in his mind. Run. He had to run. Others would come. He had to get help! They would kill him. Panicking, he stumbled to the door and into the evening sneaking off to Vienda, in what would be the most terrifying night of his life.

Sometime during the journey, the ringing in his ears stopped, and he was surrounded with nothing but silence and the endless darkness. He tried to follow the road, and by some miracle did just that. Reaching the capitol, wheezing, bruised and deaf, Asher collapsed on the doorstep of Alaric, his father's best friend, and (surprise) another Freedom Fighter. Found by one of Alaric's daughter's, Asher tried to retell the story, but anytime he was spoken to, he heard nothing. He shook his head, unable to communicate, and burst into tears, unable to even write his thoughts. An eternity of one sided communication, Alaric took the boy in while his family's fate remained at large.

The fate of Asher's parents is still unknown. From the story, Alaric believed Lila and Niel to have been killed in the mona backlash, or at the very least arrested upon survival. Reports from the Bad Aisling varied, some saying there had been no survivors, others swore at least one human had been taken alive. Troubled by this news, Alaric adopted Asher, but with three daughters of his own and very little income, it was clear the boy would have to work once healed. The recovery process took weeks, but his hearing eventually returned to his left ear. During all of this, Alaric's daughters kept Asher company after work in the factories, teaching him to sew and draw until it was his time to earn his keep. Reclusive, Asher never opened up in the same way after his parent's disappearance and struggled to communicate. Often misunderstanding commands, life was difficult and Galdori employers punished him for it. Asher hated mages, and often woke up in the middle of the night sweating and terrified.

Seeing the boy's struggles, Alaric was capable of pulling some strings and found him a wick who would later teach the family sign. Asher embraced it, realizing his hearing would never fully return. This helped his confidence, but expressing himself was still easiest when he could show his emotion in his craft. Endlessly thankful for the generosity and selflessness of his adopted family, Asher spent any spare coin he earned on mending their clothes or crafting dresses, up-cycling worn fabric and breathing new life into it.

His skill grew quickly, and his creations turned the eye of another Galdori, who later commissioned him. Asher now works as a private tailor for hire and aspires to open up a shop in Murray, the fashion capitol of Central Anaxas.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat (Improvised Weapons): Beginner




Profession (Tailor): Proficient
Professional (2-D Design): Beginner
Professional (Textiles): Beginner


Housing: City Dweller

Asher lives in a 400 sq ft apartment in Vienda that includes one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a three piece dining set to serve four (cup, plate, bowl), one chest, and a stove/hearth. As this starting package is technically purchasing a property, Asher will stay at his current wealth level (poor) for a season longer than non-property owners in order to "pay off the debt" of purchase.


  • Black Wool Coat, slightly faded
  • White shirt, the last button mismatched to the observant eye.
  • Simple black pants. Patched on the inside of each knee.
  • Black Undergarments
  • Pair of Leather Shoes. Worn soles and in need a good polish.
  • Soap
  • Comb
  • Razor
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • One water skin
  • Set of Eating Utensils x2
  • Tinderbox
  • A sewing kit with different colored threads, given to him by Alaric's youngest daughter, Eva, as a gift for his birthday.

Career and Income


Asher is a freelance tailor, creating outfits primarily out of his own residence, but will also create in any suitable space. Usually asking customers to cover the cost of fabric and materials, he works quickly and often sacrifices his own health to meet even the most unrealistic of deadlines.

Income: Poor

It's difficult to earn the eye of wealthy patrons in a city as big as Vienda, but Asher refuses to let his dreams die. Taking his savings from his recent commission, this tailor spent it on a new residence, moving out of Alaric's home in hopes to build his fortune from the ground up.

Those who are Poor are barely scraping by, living coin to coin and day to day. They no longer rely on the hand outs of others, but if someone were to offer them their good will, they certainly wouldn't turn it down. They have the lowest of living conditions next to the street, have Average or Poor equipment and clothing, and are unable to purchase goods above the Average Tier without moderator permission or an extreme circumstance. Humans and Wicks can begin play in Servitude, Destitute or Poor. Free Passives may begin the game Destitute or Poor but not Average.


  • Learn to read.
  • Discover the fate of his parents.
  • Open up a shop in Muffey
  • Join the Freedom Fighters

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