Lucien Rush

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Lucian Rush
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:42 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Passive
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Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Dizzy
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Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:00 pm

Lucien Rush


Race: False Passive (Galdor)
Birthday: 13th Dentis, 2694
Age: 24

Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Brunnhold
Occupation: Servant
Organisation: Brunnhold
Loyalty: Vivian

Personality: ENFJ: The Protagonist
Neutral Good
The Caregiver

FC: James McAvoy

Physical Description

Olive | Skin
Blue | Eyes
Dark Brown | Hair
5 foot, 5 inches | Height
165lbs | Weight
Ectomorph | Build

light olive skin, brown eyes, and curly dark brown hair.


Lucien has been defined by his courage and righteousness.

Lucien Rush has always had a noble and honest spirit, intolerant towards injustice and abuses of power. Since he spent his adolescence weak and small, he learned on his own that true strength is having the courage to fight against abuse no matter one's power and having compassion for the innocent. Despite the harsh trauma he has been dealt, he maintained his original spirit and character. Since his accident, Lucien was saddened by losing so much of his potential but still retains the same values and ambitions he had since his childhood.

What separates Lucien Rush from the other Galdori is his humanity and morality. Lucien is an extremely dedicated person, finding the courage to defend the weak and innocent, and does not hesitate to stand up to corrupt bureaucrats, hypocritical authority figures. A true hero, Lucien is more than willing to sacrifice himself to protect others and does not care if he is considered the villain in his heroic job of protecting those who have been deemed ‘outcasts’.

Lucien is headstrong and had no problem saying what was on his mind. He is not afraid to do what's right for the greater good and make the tough choices, even if it might be costly to him personally… his heroism and determination to what he believes is morally right no matter the personal cost.

Lucien's uncompromising sense of morality and selflessness sometimes puts him at odds with a number of people, not least his sister, Vivian, who is more comfortable with a grey morality to achieve her ends.

While Lucien’s sense of duty exceeds his personal feelings, his sense of loyalty is difficult to surpass. He is very protective of key figures from his past, most notably his twin sister Vivian, and is willing to go to great lengths to keep her safe and succeeding, to the detriment of his own well being. Overall, Lucien is a selfless person but one with a notable blindspot: his sister. The only link to his past who he cares about, Lucien was willing to do everything and anything to protect her.

While not as intelligent as his sister, Lucien possesses a keen awareness and has frequently proved himself as able to quickly ascertain details from minor actions. But what this story’s hero lacks in outstanding brains, he makes up for in compassion and the desire to do good. His most dominant trait is, without a doubt, his innocence and massively kind heart, in spite of being treated like vermin by those around him. His bravery and determination further supplement this as he is willing to take even the most risky of choices to stand a chance to win.


Born and raised a galdor, Lucien is, for the most part, fairly straightforward in his views towards the races of Anaxas. Only recently, following the accident, has he had to re-evaluate everything he thought he knew. As with any story of personal development, these opinions are in no way static, and will grow and morph as Lucien grows.

As of right now, Lucien really has no idea which community he belongs to, which causes a significant amount of confusion regarding his opinions on other races. Now classed as a 'functional passive', he is not magical enough for the galdori, and too magical for true passives. It is, perhaps, the hardest aspect of his new life to come to terms with: he has limited, if any, support from his 'own kind', and even those few false passives he has met are experiencing their new life in a completely inimitable way. It is isolation in its most extreme.

Like other galdori, Lucien believes his kin are gifted a special connection with mona, ordained by the gods for the benefit of all. With regard to his own status, he would still very much like to believe he is worthy of calling himself a galdor. However, seeing a new side of galdori cruelty, Lucien isn't so sure he wants to be part of the race.



Something he had always had mixed feelings over, Lucien spent his entire life despising, fearing and pitying passives in equal measure. His recent accident has forced him to reevaluate those opinions, but a life-time of indoctrination is hard to break; Lucien's views are ingrained and he is struggling to reconcile two ideas that were once contradictory to him.



The Childhood
First born of twins, Lucien spent much of his childhood in the shadow of his sister, Vivian. Not that he minded this; the boy adored everything about his sister, from her compassionate soul to her uncompromising desire to prove herself to the rest of the world. From the moment the pair were talking, he knew she was always destined for greatness, and he was more than comfortable giving her the push up to the top of the ladder, even if he was left behind.

Entering into Brunnhold, the twins' keen-eyed instructors noticed this co-dependence and decided, for the benefit of Lucien and Vivian, to divide them up. The twins fought this change, but to no avail, and they found themselves alone in half of their classes. As the instructors expected, the pair thrived, excelling in whatever they put their minds to. Of course, they helped each other at home: Vivian was the brains and Lucien ever the charismatic motivator. The result was a formidable team, a pair who played off of one another's strengths. There was nothing negative about it: as individuals they were beginning to make a name for themselves... but together, their potential was limitless.

As the years progressed, the pair did start to solidify identities that were separate from each other. Regardless, Lucien and Vivian both found their vocation in Perspective Magic. Whatever Vivian's reasons were, Lucien's lay in a desire to bring the best out in people, just as he had achieved with his twin sister, who was nothing short of outstanding. Lucien believed that, by harnessing mona's will, he could foster a better world for all. Though not as talented as his sister, or others in his class, his sheer determination was what set him apart from the rest.

Delving deeper into Perspective Magic, Lucien and Vivian finally found their paths diverging. Vivivan was destined for politics, and Lucien fell into research, planning to cultivate a closer relationship with mona in order to better serve the galdori population.

Lucien was never one destined for the limelight. He left such roles to his sister, or others he would stand behind. But he was more than okay with that.

What he was not okay with, however, was losing his chance to help others shine.

The Accident
It could have happened to anyone. It was destined to happen to Vivian, if you believe in that sort of thing. Lucien didn’t - he thought destiny was something that the weak-willed and ill-motivated believed would happen upon them if they waited long enough. Lucien believed that any “destiny” only came about if you strove for it. Vivian had strived, and she deserved the bright future lined up for her. It wasn’t to say that Lucien’s future would be any duller... he had dreams, but the vast majority of them revolved around his beloved twin.

When the slate, loosened from heavy snowfall over the previous days, finally fell from the roof, there were no seconds of mercy. There was no time to think. He acted.

Lucien pushed his sister into the wall, out of the trajectory of the falling slate, but the momentum he used pushed himself directly into its path. To this day, he remembers none of this: he was told the story by his teary-eyed sister days later when he woke up. He couldn’t even remember eating breakfast that morning. The story he had been told was coloured by emotion, he felt foolish for some time, wondering if he’d taken the time things might have been different. But, whenever he looked into his sister’s eyes afterwards, he just knew there had been no other option.

The Aftermath
After the accident, Lucien took some time to wake. It took even longer after waking for medical staff to gain any voluntary response from him; beyond flinching from pain during tests, there was little reaction to outside stimuli. His family was warned this could be long lasting, or even permanent and after a few more days, they were informed he would probably face life challenges that would require him to adapt and adjust to a new reality. Everyone knew what this meant: the galdor's future relationship with mona was most likely irreparably damaged.

There was also risk of severe physical or mental disability, but, some five days after the accident, Lucien began to respond. The rehabilitation that followed returned much of what might be lost forever, but it was not enough. Lucien found that the skills and abilities that he used before the injury were not as sharp as they once were. There were ongoing challenges in his new life, which began to affect his personal relationships as well as any hope of a professional life. It took him longer to complete cognitive processes and tasks associated with memory.

In short, it was life-changing.

In light of his lost future, another avenue opened up, however, an avenue that brought him some degree of happiness. In his heart, though he had lost the ability to cast, he could never regret his choice to save his sister, but the outcome was easier to swallow when he was provided with the chance to work alongside Vivian again.
Last edited by Lucian Rush on Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:53 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Lucian Rush
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:42 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Passive
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Dizzy
Post Templates: Post Templates

Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:00 pm

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Estuan: (Fluent)
Estuan Sign: (Fluent)
Mugrobi: (Broken)


Perspective: Intermediate


Political Activism: Beginner

Career and Income


Assistant to an Assistant (o.O)

Income: Wealth Level

Average: The son of a Brunnhold professor and an Anaxan politican, Lucien was raised from wealthy stock. While he is now a functional passive and his career prospects have shifted dramatically, Lucien is not so proud as to accept familial support. New employment with his sister helps matters.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: City

Having finally left the rehabilitation facility he has spent the better part of three seasons in, Lucien is, at the present moment, living with his sister. It is a modest home in the Stacks. With shared facilities, Lucien has his own bedroom in the house.

Within his home, he stores:
One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste,
One waterskin
Two sets of eating utensils


One set of personal clothing (of Average quality)
One set of shoes
A silver ring with an elegant letter ‘R’ engraved on it. Handed down from his father as gift on his seventeenth name day (Heirloom)


Last edited by Lucian Rush on Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Lucian Rush
Posts: 12
Joined: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:42 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Passive
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Dizzy
Post Templates: Post Templates

Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:01 pm

The Story


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