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Welcome to Rainy Season 2718!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 2:56 pm
by Muse
It is Rainy Season 2718


This season encompasses the months of Loshis and Hamis, each of which are 40 in-game days. The rainy season is 80 days in total and runs from May 1st to June 30th IRL.

In Anaxas., the rainy season is cloudy, dreary, and, yes, very wet. Loshis is cool and wet and rather gloomy, but the temperatures rise considerably in Hamis until it's unbearably humid and thunderstorms are almost a daily occurrence. Water from the rainy season is often stored in anticipation of the Dry Season after Summer.

The rainy season in Vita brings monsoons and thunderstorms and rain even to the harshest of landscapes. In Mugroba, the rainy season is the only time the Kingdom sees any real significant precipitation and it is known as the Flood Season instead, specifically because the dangers of mudslides and the overflowing of all the Kingdom's rivers happen every year. The river delta flooding is a vital part of Mugroba's harvest cycle. In northern places such as Hox, there is still more snow than rain until late Loshis when the great thaw occurs and all of the Kingdom is awash in beautiful flowers.